Friday, January 28, 2011

No straightjackets for us!

Well it has been almost a year since Aleq was diagnosed with SPD! WOW....

Happy Anniversary to US!!!

Sorry, for not blogging as much as I should have been. It has been crazy, I mean crazy....My good friend once told me that I am a crazy magnet...LOL!! So I asked her what that says about her, lol! 

Aleq , Aleq, Aleq....he has improved so much. I know exaclty what sets him off and can tell as soon as he wakes up if he is okay or not. He does not let me brush him as often as I used to. However, when we have those days where nothing seems to go right, I still brush him.

Less tantrums and breakdowns! YEAH!! However, he is still learning how to control himself when something upsets him and he can't process what to do.
Like today at the park, he went after a little boy because Aleq asked him where his bike was, the little boy answered " I don't have it with me, are you crazy or something?" Aleq just broke down and pushed the little boy down. He could not process how to respond and it overwhelmed him. After about 30 minutes of me holding him and talking with him. I don't think he knew remembered acting reacting that way. He just told me what happened and I knew that was it. After calming down, he finally decided to apologize to the little boy, told him why he was upset. Now, he wants him to be his best friend. They played for 30 minutes together without anymore problems. The mom was very comforting saying she understood, I of course cried. You feel embarressed and just waiting for bashing after an episode like that.
Then we have days where all is well for a long period of time too. I can talk to him longer when there is an issue. As far as his sleeping habits, ah, they are better but he sleeps with us now. Thanks goodness we are not in the process of expanding our family, we don't get time. LOL! Ashlie and he still have their moments but it is not like it was.

I have noticed instead of him getting frusterated more he shows what the real issue is, for example he will panic if we are not all together. He worries about us walking all together in the mall or if Ashlie will go with us. He needs to know where his Papi is all the time. Before, he would not talk about it, he would just tell me he didn't know what is wrong. Now, I know he just panics.

The eating issue is not solved still, however, I have noticed if I do therapy with him he will try something new. Most of the time he does not like it, but he attempts it. That is good enough for me. The best example is at Christmas...
The kids woke up at 3 am that morning. After opening presents he received some Legos he was wanting. Legos is the best therapy for him besides heavy work. He sat at the talble from 4 am to noon putting it together. At noon when it was time to eat, he ate turkey and ham. He would have never done that before. I actually cried seeing him eat something besides crescent rolls.

Therapy that we have using more then anything is the Legos, he loves the Legos City products.  The MegaRig Matchbox toys...he loves to create. These things help him focus and think clearly. The best therapy is still his heavy work. He carries his backpack full of stuff with him automatically. Going out throwing the ball with the dogs, helping with yard as well.

He has even tried playing baseball...he would never have tried that before. Wow, can he throw the ball and hit it well.  It has been awesome to see his confidence go up. Bowling is his thing as well, it really helps his self esteem.
So this is a round up for what has improved this year...last but not least is his schooling.  It is working out! WOOT WOOT! He is doing awesome in Math, gradually reading without resisting, and Science is beyond his level.

This year has really been a lot better, I feel better now I know and can see.
The only issue is finding friends that understand. It has been hard because either they label or just stay away. There are several that stick around and accept him.

Thank you God, for all that you have given us, the strength to not give up. The courage to keep going and to hold my head up high! He will be 8 next year and instead of dreading another year or confused still...I am looking forward to more journies and therapy...We will make it, I know all of you with the same issues will make it as well. It is a slow process but God will help you proceed.

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